Apiam News

Team Profile: Dr Robert Suter

Dr Robert Suter BSc BVMS (Hons) MACVS MVSc


Robert Suter joined the Apiam pig team at the end of 2020 and brings with him a lifetime of experience working with production animals and systems from across Australia, through work in rural private practice, teaching university undergraduates and government practice in Victoria.

He is of the same vintage as Hugo Dunlop and graduated from Murdoch University (Perth, WA) in 1981 with Honours. Subsequently he has attained membership in the Australian College of Veterinary Science (2000) and a Master’s degree in Veterinary Science by thesis in the field of Epidemiology through Massey University (NZ, 2004). He is currently an Examiner with the Australian College, and lectures at Melbourne and La Trobe University.

Robert is the author of 14 refereed scientific papers and has presented numerous times at national and international veterinary conferences. Joining the Apiam pig team provides him with:

“The opportunity to deal with successful farming businesses in a holistic way, from veterinary diagnosis and treatment, to data analysis to assess performance, and to looking at how management influences herd performance; implementing change to improve animal productivity.”

Robert, although based out of Bendigo, resides in the Yarra Valley where he has managed to find a speck of space to plant some grape vines amongst the horse paddocks and horses belonging to the ladies. Robert’s sporting interest lies with road cycle racing, in which he competes nearly every weekend.

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