Vets Choice Ivermectin Pour On

Vet’s Choice Pour-On is a low-volume, broad spectrum endectocide for beef and dairy cattle.
Vets Choice Ivermectin Pour On
Vet’s Choice Pour-On is a low-volume, broad spectrum endectocide for beef and dairy cattle.
Vet’s Choice Pour-On is a low-volume, endectocide pour-on that treats and controls ivermectin-sensitive internal parasites including gastrointestinal roundworms and lungworms; and external parasites including sucking and biting lice, mites, buffalo fly and cattle tick of beef and dairy cattle. It offers some sustained parasite control, including up to 28 days of lungworm and buffalo fly control.
CATTLE Meat: 42 days.
CATTLE Milk: ZERO (0) days.
CATTLE: Do not use less than 42 days before slaughter for export.
Dosage is 1mL/20kg liveweight.
Apply the product along the backline of the animal in a narrow, continuous strip extending from the withers to the tailhead. Dose rate to be based on the heaviest cattle in each group (bulls, cows, steers, calves etc.). Do not underdose.
DO NOT retreat within the meat withholding period of 42 days.