Baycox Coccidiocide for Piglets and Cattle

Baycox is used as a single-dose, oral treatment for the control of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species.
Baycox Coccidiocide for Piglets and Cattle
From $143.75 – $278.50
Baycox is used as a single-dose, oral treatment for the control of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species.
For the control of coccidiosis in neonatal piglets caused by Isospora suis, and in cattle up to 9 months of age caused by Eimeria bovis or Eimeria zuernii.
Baycox is effective in one dose because it attacks all stages of the parasite in the animal.
Piglets: Baycox controls coccidiosis caused by Isospora suis infection of young piglets. Isospora suis infection is a major cause of diarrhoea, dehydration, loss of appetite, poor growth, and occasional mortality in piglets between birth and 3-4 weeks of age.
Cattle: Baycox is for the treatment of clinical coccidiosis, and as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis in cattle up to 9 months of age. Baycox controls coccidiosis caused by Eimeria bovis or Eimeria zuernii in young cattle. Coccidiosis typically occurs in cattle less than a year old causing diarrhoea which is often blood stained. Recently weaned calves are susceptible to outbreaks of clinical disease.
CATTLE Meat: 56 days.
CATTLE Milk: Do not use in lactating or pregnant cows where milk may be used or processed for human consumption.
PIGS Meat: 70 days.
CATTLE: Do not slaughter cattle for export for 75 days after last treatment.
Piglets: 1mL at 3-6 days old at the onset of coccidial diarrhoea. Treat all piglets in infected litters and all infected and ‘at risk’ litters in the farrowing house.
Cattle: 3mL per 10kg bodyweight. In the case of history of coccidiosis on farm, treat 1 week before expected onset of clinical signs. For prevention of coccidiosis in recently weaned calves, treat at weaning time when milk feeding ceases. Treat at onset of diagnosed clinical signs.