International Industry News
Maple Leaf Foods enters 2025 with strong momentum
Pig immunology expertise advances cystic fibrosis research
PRRS-resistant pigs set to improve pig health and productivity
APHIS seeks comments on establishing US SHIP as a federal regulatory program
US tariffs on EU exports – a potential shakeup for food and agri sectors
Trump backs EPA cuts as Zeldin pushes for major overhaul
Giving lactating sows altrenogest reduces low birthweight piglets
Genus plc reports strong first half performance
The Maschhoffs mark first quarter with meaningful community investments
U.S. swine industry ready with new diagnostic tests for Glaesserella australis
Farm Progress America, Feb. 27, 2025
Rural vs. well water: What's the impact on nursery pig performance?
Global mycotoxins surge in 2024: Survey reveals rising risks
Pork producers outline three key priorities for next farm bill
Use or non-use of treatment therapies for respiratory disease in finishing pigs
Stay vigilant against African swine fever this National Pig Day and every day
Iowa delegation aims to strengthen pork, beef exports in Central America
Farm Progress America, Feb. 26, 2025
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